Vernon Township

21 Church Street, Vernon, NJ 07462
Phone: 973.764.4055

Fire Safety Permits

Pursuant to New Jersey’s Uniform Fire Code (N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7), a fire safety permit is required for certain activities taking place within the township. A list of the most common ones follows below, however, for a complete list, please download the application form which contains a copy of N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7.

In order to obtain a permit, you must complete a fire safety permit application form  and submit it with the appropriate fee to the Vernon Township Department of Fire Prevention. Applications must be received at least 15 days before your scheduled event. Need more information or have questions? Contact the department at 973.764.4055, ext. 2271.

Common Activities Requiring a Permit

Type 1—Fee: $54.00
  • bonfires
  • torch or flame-producing device to remove paint
  • open flame or flame-producing device at any public gathering
  • welding or cutting operations
  • explosives or blasting agents, other than regulated model rocketry engines
  • occasional use of a building's multipurpose room, with a maximum permitted occupancy of 100+
  • more than 10 gallons of class I flammable liquids but less than 660 inside a building or more than 60 gallons but less than 660 gallons outside a building
  • more than 25 gallons of class II or IIIA combustible liquids but less than 660 inside a building or more than 60 gallons but less than 660 gallons outside a building
  • any permanent cooking operation that requires a suppression system
  • temporary use of a building or portion thereof as a special amusement building for no more than 15 days in a calendar year
  • certain types of tents/canopies for certain durations
Type 2—Fee: $214.00
  • bowling lane resurfacing/refinishing involving the use of flammable liquids or materials
  • fumigation or thermal insecticide fogging
  • carnivals and circuses employing mobile enclosed structures used for human occupancy
  • storing liquefied petroleum gas cylinders outside when a part of a cylinder exchange program
Type 3—Fee: $427.00
  • industrial processing ovens/furnaces which use oil or gas fuel or contain flammable vapors and are operated at less than 1,400 degrees Fahrenheit
  • wrecking yards, junk yards, outdoor used tire storage and waste material handling plants
  • storage or discharging of fireworks
Type 4—Fee: $641.00
  • storage or use of more than 2,000 cubic feet of flammable compressed gas or 6,000 cubic feet of nonflammable compressed gas
  • storing or handling more than 660 gallons of flammable, combustible and unstable liquids in closed containers and portable tanks
  • storing or handling more than 55 gallons of corrosive liquids, more than 500 pounds of oxidizing materials, more than 10 pounds of organic peroxides, more than 500 pounds of nitromethane, more than 1,000 pounds of ammonium nitrate or any amount of radioactive material for which a specific license from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is required

Vernon Township

21 Church Street
Vernon, NJ 07462

Phone: 973.764.4055 

Township Hours

Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


Emergencies Dial 9-1-1
Non-Emergencies Dial 973-764-6155


Current Agendas

Township Council

Land Use Board