Vernon Township

21 Church Street, Vernon, NJ 07462
Phone: 973.764.4055

Obtaining Records

The Vernon Township Office of the Registrar of Vital Statistics processes and maintains all records of births, deaths, marriages, domestic partnerships and civil unions that occur in Vernon Township. Need a copy of any of these documents? Read on to learn about the application process and what you must do in order to obtain a certified copy of a vital record.

A certified copy may be used to establish identity and is a legal document.
It has the raised seal of the office and is always issued on state of New Jersey safety paper.

Non-Genealogical Record (Current Events)

Non-genealogical records are births that occurred within the last 80 years, marriages that occurred within the last 50 years, deaths that occurred within the last 40 years or any domestic partnership or civil union. To obtain this type of record, you have to be able to fully identify it, provide proof of your relationship to the person listed on it, provide acceptable identification and submit the requisite fee with the Application for a Non-Genealogical Certified Copy of a Vital Record .

Fully identify the record

The following information is requested on the application and must be provided:

  • full name on the record
  • city where the event occurred
  • exact date of the event (month, day and year)
  • mother’s maiden name
  • father’s name (if on record)
  • for marriage, civil union or domestic partnership, instead of parents’ names, you must provide the name of the spouse/partner
Provide proof of your relationship to the person listed on the record

The proof must establish that you are the subject of the record, the subject’s parent, legal guardian or legal representative, spouse/civil union partner, child, grandchild or sibling, if of legal age.

Provide acceptable identification

The following are acceptable forms of identification:

  • a current, valid photo driver’s license or photo non-driver’s license with current address OR
  • a current, valid driver’s license without photo and one alternate form of ID with current address OR
  • two alternate forms of ID, one of which must have current address:
    • vehicle registration or insurance card
    • voter registration
    • U.S. or foreign passport
    • immigrant visa or green card
    • federal, state, county or school ID
    • bank statement or utility bill (within previous 90 days)
    • tax return or W-2 for current/previous tax year
Submit the requisite fee with the completed application

Certified copies are $10.00 each, check or money order, made payable to Vernon Township.

Genealogical Record (Family History Research)

Births occurring more than 80 years ago, marriages occurring more than 50 years ago and deaths occurring more than 40 years ago are considered genealogical and therefore exact information is not required. To obtain this type of record, instead of being required to fully identify the record, you only have to provide the name of the individual on the record, the county where the event occurred and the year the event occurred. You still, however, must provide proof of your relationship to the person listed on the record, provide acceptable identification and submit the requisite fee with the Application for a Genealogical Certified Copy of a Vital Record .

The information already provided about proving your relationship, providing ID and the requisite fee also applies to obtaining genealogical records.

Requests for a certified copy of a vital record may be made by mail or in-person. The application, proof of your relationship and proof of your identity must accompany your request in either case. If you are submitting your request by mail, please do not send in original documents—only copies are required. Note that copies of vital records can only be mailed to the address listed on your identification.

More information: NJ Bureau of Vital Statistics and Registration 


Vernon Township

21 Church Street
Vernon, NJ 07462

Phone: 973.764.4055 

Township Hours

Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


Emergencies Dial 9-1-1
Non-Emergencies Dial 973-764-6155


Current Agendas

Township Council

Land Use Board