Vernon Township

21 Church Street, Vernon, NJ 07462
Phone: 973.764.4055

Wheelchair Reservation

All Terrain Rubicon DX12 Electric Wheelchairs for Adults User Reservation Agreement

Vernon Township Recreation is committed to our parks & trails being accessible for all residents and visitors. The Vernon Rotary Club is always committed to making positive impact in our local community and has generously donated the All-Terrain Rubicon DX12 electric wheelchair to help provide access to the miles of park’s, nature trails, wildlife and scenery. The All-terrain Wheelchair allows users to explore area of the parks that traditional wheelchairs might not reach.

How to reserve

The Chair is already available on a first-come, first-serve basis by reservation. Reservations can be made (May 1st through October 31st) Monday through Friday from 9am to 3pm. No weekends for the time being. 

Reservations must be made 24 hours in advance. 

You must provide the date and 2-hour time slot you are requesting and:

  • Fill out the online reservation form
  • Once you have completed the form, call the Vernon Recreation Department at 973-764-4055 x 2261 or 2242 or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Once requested, the Recreation Department will follow up via email within 24 hours to confirm your time. If your requested time slot is full, you will be provided with alternative dates and/or times. 

The wheelchair is located at our Municipal Building located at 21 Church St, Vernon NJ 07462. 

Chair users should meet Recreation staff behind the building at the reservation time. Staff and/or volunteers are unable to assist with transfers. Use of chair is limited to 2 hours due to battery life. 

Wheelchair Safety

The Chair is allowed along designated township walking paths ONLY. It is Not to be taken off the trail, not to be used on ANY sports field; and NOT permitted on the bicycle pump track. 

When using the chair, leashes, long clothing, blankets or other dangling items are at risk of becoming entangled and should not be used. 

Users must sign a waiver of liability which is found in your reservation form. 

Vernon Recreation Newsletter
2025 Recreation Activities

Vernon Township

21 Church Street
Vernon, NJ 07462

Phone: 973.764.4055 

Township Hours

Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


Emergencies Dial 9-1-1
Non-Emergencies Dial 973-764-6155


Current Agendas

Township Council

Land Use Board