Vernon Township

21 Church Street, Vernon, NJ 07462
Phone: 973.764.4055


Minutes: Special Meeting 3/30/23




These minutes are a synopsis of the meeting that took place on 3/30/2023. Copies of the recording are available at the office of the Vernon Township Municipal Utilities Authority (the MUA”).


  1. Call to Order

This special meeting of the VTMUA convened at 1:04 pm.

  1. Statement of Compliance

Pursuant to the Open Public Meetings Act, adequate notice of this regular meeting was provided to the public and the press on March 28, 2023 by delivering to the press such notice and posting same at the municipal building and filed with the office of the MUA as well as posted on the website.

  1. Salute to the Flag
  2. Oath of Office:
  3. Patrick Rizzuto- Alternate #1

At this time Mr. Wenner swore in Mr. Rizzuto as Alternate #1.

  1. Roll Call of Members and Professionals

The following members were present:

Paul Kearney

Dave McDermott

Kristin Wheaton

Ed Snook

Patrick Rizzuto

The following members were absent:

Ed DeYoung

Mark Bower

The following professionals were present: Donelle Bright, Administrator/CFO; Howie Lazier, Licensed Operator; Rich Wenner, Attorney; Jaclyn McCabe, Recording Secretary.

  1. Open Meeting for Public Comments

Mr. Snook made the motion to open the meeting for public comments, which was seconded by Ms. Wheaton and carried by unanimous votes. Ms. Bright stated no one from the public wished to speak.

Mr. Kearney motioned to close the meeting for public comments, which was seconded by Mr. Snook and carried by unanimous votes.

  1. Discussion Items:
  2. Full-time employment

Ms. Bright stated the MUA has eliminated some of the shared services with DPW and saved money by employing 2 part-time employees for 24 hours a week. Ms. Bright added we have gone through several employees and it is hard to find part-time employees as many people who we interviewed are looking for full time work. Ms. Bright stated she thinks it is in the best interest of the MUA to establish 1 full time position. Ms. Bright added that the current part time employee was contacted to see if they would be interested. However, even if the currently employee is not interested, the full-time position is still a good idea. Ms. Bright added the only issue is that one person cannot be on call 24/7, so a backup person would need to be on for certain times.

Mr. Kearney stated he requested the value of a full-time employee versus a part-time employee and it would put us financially ahead. Additionally, with adding a new pump station having a full-time person, who knows the system, would be a positive thing. Mr. Kearney stated his only caveat would be that we currently have Mr. Lazier as the licensed operator, and he would like the full-time employee to take classes and have Mr. Lazier be the back up operator.

Ms. Wheaton questioned pension and benefits. Ms. Bright clarified that right now there is a contribution to DCRP, which is for part time employees, and that will switch to pension upon the change in status. Ms. Bright added that we are still saving and we are not required to provide health benefits.

Ms. Bright made the request to the board that an on-call schedule be discussed. Mr. Kearney agreed as on person can not be on call 24/7 as they would have no life. Mr. Kearney added we need to have someone as a backup.

Ms. Bright stated at the next meeting there will be a contract drawn up for the full-time position.

  1. Resolutions:
  2. #23-16 Resolution of the Vernon Township Municipal Utilities Authority Establishing Employee Classification and Salary for The Year 2023

Ms. Bright clarified that was on the last meeting and approved, however. Old calculations were used and salaries need to be amended.

Ms. Wheaton motioned to approve resolution #23-16, Resolution of the Vernon Township Municipal Utilities Authority Establishing Employee Classification and Salary for The Year 2023, which was seconded by Mr. McDermott and carried by the affirmative votes of Mr. Kearney, Mr. McDermott, Ms. Wheaton, and Mr. Snook.

  1. Adjournment

Mr. Snook made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 1:21 pm, which was seconded by Mr. McDermott and carried by unanimous votes.

Respectfully submitted,

Jaclyn McCabe

Minutes approved 7/20/2023


Vernon Township

21 Church Street
Vernon, NJ 07462

Phone: 973.764.4055 

Township Hours

Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


Emergencies Dial 9-1-1
Non-Emergencies Dial 973-764-6155


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Township Council

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