Vernon Township
21 Church Street, Vernon, NJ 07462
Phone: 973.764.4055
These minutes are a synopsis of the meeting that took place on 6/15/2023. Copies of the recording are available at the office of the Vernon Township Municipal Utilities Authority (the “MUA”).
This regular meeting of the VTMUA commenced at 7:02 pm.
Pursuant to the Open Public Meetings Act, adequate notice of this regular meeting was provided to the public and the press on December 27, 2022 by delivering to the press such notice and posting same at the municipal building and filed with the office of the MUA as well as posted on the website.
The following members were present:
Kristin Wheaton
Dave McDermott
Ed Snook
Ed DeYoung
Mark Bower
The following members were absent:
Paul Kearney
Pat Rizzuto
The following professionals were present: Donelle Bright, Administrator/CFO; Steve Benosky, engineer; Rich Wenner, Attorney; Jaclyn McCabe, Recording Secretary.
Mr. McDermott made the motion to open the meeting to the public for agenda items only, which was seconded by Mr. Snook and carried by unanimous votes. Ms. McCabe stated no one from the public wished to speak.
Mr. Snook motioned to close the meeting for agenda items only, which was seconded by Mr. DeYoung and carried by unanimous votes.
Mr. McDermott made the motion to approve resolution #23-22 approval of the bills, which was seconded by Mr. DeYoung and carried by the affirmative votes of Ms. Wheaton, Mr. McDermott, Mr. Snook and Mr. DeYoung.
Minutes tabled to confirm attendance of Mr. Bower.
Mr. McDermott made the motion to approve the 4/20/23 meeting minutes, which was seconded by Mr. DeYoung and carried by the affirmative votes of Mr. McDermott. Mr. Snook, Mr. DeYoung, and Mr. Bower. Ms. Wheaton abstained from voting.
Ms. Bright updated on Ps2 stating that it is still in the pre-construction phase and ground breaking should be soon.
Ms. Bright stated the sewer service area map has had no updates. Ms. Bright has reached out several times and the DEP has not been responsive.
Ms. Bright added that SCMUA has not set a date for a meeting yet to review the transfer station. Ms. Bright will update when she has received a response.
Ms. Bright reviewed that the tax reassessment has been completed and several condo unit models were not uniformly billed. The updates to the condos will be completed and the new billing will take affect September 1. Mr. Bower asked if the majority were increasing, decreasing, or a mix. Ms. Bright responded mostly increasing with a few decreases. Mr. Bower asked if the billing is retroactive and was answered no it will take effect the third quarter of 2023.
Mr. Benosky reviewed Coppola is close to starting. He believed ground opening will be in the next two months.
iii. By-Laws/Personnel: Dave McDermott and Ed Snook
Mr. McDermott stated he was working on this previously and if it is feasible, it would be good to do something for the seniors and disabled veterans. Mr. McDermott suggested an application be drafted for ratepayers to complete.
Ms. Wheaton mentioned the LIHWAP program, which is based off income, but many would not be eligible for that program. Ms. Wheaton stated Mr. Wenner would have to make changes to the by laws and also compose an application.
Mr. Bower stated if we are using EDU’s to be equally billed, why would we give a break to only certain classes of people. MS. Bright stated the state LIHWAP program is available to help low-income individuals, additionally, the board has the authority to create discounts for disabled veterans and seniors as there are statutes for these classifications. Mr. Wenner added the budget needs to be reviewed to see the impact on giving the discounts to approved individuals and it cannot be a burdensome hit. Ms. Wheaton suggested to put this to the by laws committee and a draft be composed by Mr. Wenner to vote on by the commission.
Mr. Snook motioned to open the meeting to the public for items not on the agenda, which was seconded by Mr. McDermott, and carried by unanimous votes. Ms. McCabe informed no one from the public wished to speak.
Mr. DeYoung motioned to close the meeting to the public for items not on the agenda, which was seconded by Mr. Snook and carried by unanimous votes.
Mr. McDermott had no further comments.
Mr. Bower stated that he is naturally sympathetic to seniors and veterans but it strikes it unfair that a discount can be given to those groups and not to everyone. Mr. Bower stated this may be well intended but it is wrong.
Mr. Snook questioned what other groups should have discounts. Mr. Bower stated the low-income category as all kinds of people are deserving of discounts. Need should be for everyone not just preferred categories. Ms. Bright added the LIHWAP program is available for qualified low-income individuals.
Ms. Wheaton stated having a need-based benefit or discount program may be the way to go.
Mr. McDermott motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:46 pm, which was seconded by Mr. Bower and carried by unanimous votes.
Respectfully submitted,
Jaclyn McCabe
Minutes approved: 7/20/2023