Vernon Township

21 Church Street, Vernon, NJ 07462
Phone: 973.764.4055


Minutes: December 19, 2023




These minutes are a synopsis of the meeting that took place on 12/19/2023.  Copies of the recording are available at the office of the Vernon Township Municipal Utilities Authority (the “MUA”). 


  1. Call to Order

This regular meeting of the VTMUA commenced at 7:03 pm.

  1. Statement of Compliance

Pursuant to the Open Public Meetings Act, adequate notice of this regular meeting was provided to the public and the press on December 27, 2022 by delivering to the press such notice and posting same at the municipal building and filed with the office of the MUA as well as posted on the website.

  1. Salute to the Flag
  2. Roll Call of Members and Professionals

Roll The following members were present:

Paul Kearney

Kristin Wheaton

Dave McDermott

Ed DeYoung

Pat Rizzuto

Mark Bower

Ed Snook

The following professionals were present: Donelle Bright, Administrator/CFO; Howie Lazier, Licensed Operator; Rich Wenner, Attorney; Steve Benosky, Engineer; Rob McNinch, Auditor; and Jaclyn McCabe, Recording Secretary.


  1. Open Meeting to the Public (for Agenda Items Only)

Mr. Rizzuto made the motion to open the meeting to the public for agenda items only, which was seconded by Mr. Bower and carried by unanimous votes. Ms. McCabe stated no one from the public wished to speak.

Mr. McDermott motioned to close the meeting for agenda items only, which was seconded by Ms. Wheaton and carried by unanimous votes.


  1. Resolution #23-28: Approval of the Bills

Ms. Wheaton made the motion to approve resolution #23-28, which was seconded by Mr. Snook and carried by the affirmative votes of Mr. Kearney, Ms. Wheaton, Mr. McDermott, Mr. DeYoung, and Mr. Snook.

  1. Approval of Minutes:
    1. Regular Meeting 10/19/23

Ms. Wheaton made the motion to approve the regular meeting minutes from 10/19/23, which was seconded by Mr. DeYoung and carried by the affirmative votes of Mr. Kearney, Ms. Wheaton, Mr. McDermott, and Mr. DeYoung. Mr. Snook abstained from voting.

  1. Resolutions:
    1. Resolution #23-29 EDU Calculation for 300 RT 94

Mr. DeYoung made the motion to approve resolution #23-29, which was seconded by Mr. McDermott and carried by the affirmative votes of Mr. Kearney, Ms. Wheaton, Mr. McDermott, Mr. DeYoung, and Mr. Snook.

Mr. Rizzuto asked who makes the determination for the EDU count and was answered it is by engineer review. Mr. Rizzuto questioned if the hardship was still being considered and was answered it is not.

  1. Resolution # 23-30 Resolution Meeting Dates for 2024

Ms. Wheaton made the motion to approve resolution #23-30, which was seconded by Mr. Snook and carried by the affirmative votes of Mr. Kearney, Ms. Wheaton, Mr. McDermott, Mr. DeYoung, and Mr. Snook.

Ms. Wheaton asked for the November meeting to be changed to November 14th.

  1. Resolution # 23-31 Resolution Late Introduction to the Budget

Mr. McDermott made the motion to approve resolution #23-31, which was seconded by Ms. Wheaton and carried by the affirmative votes of Mr. Kearney, Ms. Wheaton, Mr. McDermott, Mr. DeYoung, and Mr. Snook.

  1. Resolution # 23-32 Resolution 2024 Budget

Mr. DeYoung made the motion to approve resolution #23-32, which was seconded by Mr. McDermott and carried by the affirmative votes of Mr. Kearney, Ms. Wheaton, Mr. McDermott, Mr. DeYoung, and Mr. Snook.

Ms. Bright explained the finance committee met and reviewed the budget. Ms. Bright updated there is a 9% increase to the budget due to SCMUA raising their charge by $200,000. Ms. Bright added there was a savings in the personnel line due to hiring a full-time employee. Ms. Bright is proposing a 1% rate increase for 2024. Ms. Bright added a capital reserve would like to be established to set funds aside for future infrastructure expenses.

  1. Resolution #23-33 EDU Calculation for 534 Rt 515

Mr. McDermott made the motion to approve resolution #23-33, which was seconded by Ms. Wheaton and carried by the affirmative votes of Mr. Kearney, Ms. Wheaton, Mr. McDermott, Mr. DeYoung, and Mr. Snook.

  1. Resolution #23-34 Resolution for Capital Reserve

Mr. McDermott made the motion to approve resolution #23-34, which was seconded by Ms. Wheaton and carried by the affirmative votes of Mr. Kearney, Ms. Wheaton, Mr. McDermott, Mr. DeYoung, and Mr. Snook.

  1. Resolution #23-35 Resolution for Budget Transfer

Mr. Snook made the motion to approve resolution #23-35, which was seconded by Ms. Wheaton and carried by the affirmative votes of Mr. Kearney, Ms. Wheaton, Mr. McDermott, Mr. DeYoung, and Mr. Snook.

  1. Resolution #23-36 Resolution for Licensed Operator Increase

Ms. Wheaton made the motion to approve resolution #23-36, which was seconded by Mr. McDermott and carried by the affirmative votes of Mr. Kearney, Ms. Wheaton, Mr. McDermott, Mr. DeYoung, and Mr. Snook.

  1. Resolution #23-37 Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Shared Service Agreement with the Township of Vernon for the Provision of Snowplowing Services on a As Needed Basis

Mr. DeYoung made the motion to approve resolution #23-37, which was seconded by Mr. McDermott and carried by the affirmative votes of Mr. Kearney, Ms. Wheaton, Mr. McDermott, Mr. DeYoung, and Mr. Snook.

  1. Resolution #23-38 For the Purchases of Two Pumps from Reiner Pump Systems, Inc.

Ms. Wheaton made the motion to approve resolution #23-38, which was seconded by Mr. McDermott and carried by the affirmative votes of Mr. Kearney, Ms. Wheaton, Mr. McDermott, Mr. DeYoung, and Mr. Snook.

  1. Administrator report

Ms. Bright updated that PS2 is going well and should start being utilized in January, however we are still waiting for the new generator.

Ms. Bright updated the SSA, we are still having issues with the DEP as they are not answering e-mails. We need their approval before we can apply with the county.

Ms. Bright updated that Dave Bower, form Windriver sent information on the transfer station to SCMUA.

Ms. Bright updated capital items 2 new pumps were purchased to replace the two at PS3.

Ms. Bright updated development and Theta Drive should have shovels in the ground over the next few months. Ryan homes is still in discussion.

  1. Licensed Operator Report

Mr. Lazier updated at the emergency at PS3 due to the flooding. Mr. Lazier stated he has never had levels that high in 12 years. The first step to correcting this issue was new pumps were purchased that are pumping 265-275 gpm, the old pumps only pumped 115 gpm.

Mr. Lazier stated JEM came out to PS2 and stated we had a power surge, which fried anything that was running at the time. This will be covered by insurance.

  1. Engineer Report

Mr. Benosky stated the procurement issue for the generator is happing across the board and it’s unfortunate that it is taking so long.

Ms. Wheaton asked if we have surge protection factored into the plans for PS2. Mr.  Benosky stated he assumes so but will check into it.

  1. Open to the Public for Items Not on the Agenda

Ms. Wheaton made the motion to open the meeting to the public for items not on the agenda, which was seconded by Mr. Snook and carried by unanimous votes. Ms. McCabe stated no one from the public wished to speak.

Mr. McDermott motioned to close the meeting for items not on the agenda, which was seconded by Mr. DeYoung and carried by unanimous votes.

  1. Commissioners’ Comments

Mr. Bower wished everyone happy holidays.

Mr. Snook wished everyone happy holidays and hoes the DEP gives the gift of approving so this can move on.

Mr. DeYoung wished everyone happy holidays and extended a thank you to Ms. Bright for the finance meeting.

Ms. Wheaton suggested writing a letter to the editor, or to someone, since the system is broken for wastewater management. There should be a time clock and this is a disservice to citizens of this state that projects can’t move.

Mr. McDermott wished everyone happy holidays and agreed with Ms. Wheaton there needs to be an investigation of some sort in these issues.

Mr. Rizzuto stated significant development is being held up, after making commitments in funding, because of the DEP. This hurts the town and a way needs to be found to accelerate this process.

  1. Chairman’s Comments

Mr. Kearney agreed with Mr. Rizzuto, as developers are giving funds to the town and they cannot start because of the DEP approvals. All it looks like is the MUA is holing up the development, when in fact it’s the state.

  1. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:02 pm was made by Mr. DeYoung and seconded by Mr. McDermott and carried by unanimous votes.

Respectfully submitted,

Jaclyn McCabe, Recording Secretary

Minutes Approved: 1.25.24


Vernon Township

21 Church Street
Vernon, NJ 07462

Phone: 973.764.4055 

Township Hours

Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


Emergencies Dial 9-1-1
Non-Emergencies Dial 973-764-6155


Current Agendas

Township Council

Land Use Board