Call to Order

Meeting was called to order by Vice Chairman Tadrick at 7:00 p.m.

Statement of Compliance

Pursuant to the Open Public Meetings Act, adequate notice of this regular meeting has been provided to the public and the press on January 16, 2017 by delivering to the press such notice and posting same at the municipal building and filed with the office of the Township Clerk.

Salute to the Flag

Vice Chairman Tadrick led the assemblage of the flag.

Roll Call    Also Present
Mayor Shortway NP   Glenn Kienz, Board Attorney
John Auberger P   Cory Stoner, Board Engineer
Councilmember Ooms P   Kim Decker, Board Secretary
Martin Theobald NP    
Richard Spoerl NP    
Joseph Tadrick P    
Andrea Cocula P    
Ed Rolando P    
Jessica Paladini P    
Willard McPeek (#1 Alt) P    
Michael Whitaker (#2 Alt) P    
David Nieves (#3 Alt) P    
Kristi Raperto (#4 Alt) NP    

Vice Chairman Tadrick announced that Mayor Shortway, Chairman Theobald, and Mr. Spoerl informed the board they would be unable to attend meeting tonight.

Vice Chairman Tadrick requested the agenda be revised to move public participation to beginning of meeting and the board unanimously agreed.

Public Participation

Vice Chairman Tadrick opened the meeting to the public for items other than those listed on the agenda. Seeing no one coming forward the meeting was closed to the public.

LU# 1-17-1: HM GG LLC - Block 231, Lot 1 & Block 231.01, Lot 1, - Amended Preliminary and Final Site Plan for an Aerial Adventures Ropes Course

Debra Nicholson, attorney for HMGG, LLC stated the proposed application is requesting an amended site plan to the previously approved plan for the aerial ropes course. The applicant wishes to withdraw the requested sign variance at the entrance and utilize the existing sign until a more detailed landscaped plan can be designed. Ms. Nicholson contacted Bill Hayden from the NJDOT about the history of the sign located on the median near the intersection of RT 94 & RT 517 but no file could not be located and is allowed to be altered if needed.

Richard Cline, project manager was sworn in to testify that in the original approved site plan, there were 5 directional signs to be repurposed for the ropes course and explains further there is a request to the NJDOT to repurpose them seasonally if possible. Mr. Stoner states that any signs on the roadway must be per NJDOT standards regarding lettering and size and cannot be approved by the board.

Mario Iannelli, project engineer and Chris Haggerty, ropes course manager were sworn in to testify to requested amendments to the approved site plan. Ms. Nicholson stated instead of utilizing the South Lodge for ticketing, training and parking, applicant is proposing to use the golf course pro shop for these services. Also, applicant requests the use of string “Christmas lights” to be affixed to the course for nighttime use.

Mr. Stoner’s review of application questions if the property history is needed to grant approvals and questions if billboard sign at entrance is previously approved.

Mr. Cline testified that the applicant is requesting approval for three directional signs at various locations: corner of RT 94 & RT 517, sign 100 ft. short of driveway and the entrance sign. He adds the entrance sign is a two-sided wall sign covered with a canvas temporary sign. Applicant is requesting to maintain this sign as it is within ordinance standards until a permanent detailed sign can be designed and brought back before the board.

Mr. Cline testifies the operational changes include the location of the ticketing, training and parking will be moved from the South Lodge to the golf course pro shop to be more streamlined. The proposed parking lot has 250 spaces, more than enough for maximum capacity for both the golf course and ropes course. The site plan also includes 3 temporary structures including one metal shipping trailer to secure equipment when closed and two kiosks to store equipment while open. Also available are port-a-johns located on the course and restrooms in the pro shop for visitor use.

Mr. Stoner questioned if kiosks are seen from roadways and what is brightness of LED string lights to be added. Mr. Cline explains kiosks are in woods and under canopy and the lights to be used for private night bookings may possibly be seen at dark. Mr. Cline added the course will be open 7 days a week from May thru October, open weekends during March, April & November and closed December thru February. Mr. Stoner added after speaking with board planner previously, application was acceptable due to withdrawal of sign variance.

Vice Chairman Tadrick opened the application to the public. Seeing no one wishing to come forward, Vice Chairman Tadrick closed the meeting to the public.

Board agreed to allow the temporary canvas sign at the entrance of the site to be utilized until opening in March of 2018 when applicant will come back before board with new application.

Motion: A motion was made by Ms. Cocula to approve an amended preliminary and final site plan for an aerial adventures ropes course as presented and was seconded by Mr. Tadrick.

Motion passed.

Ms. Nicholson requested a waiver of reading the resolution to begin construction and the board approved request. Mr. Kienz directed the applicant to submit this application to Sussex County for informational purposes.


PB# 11-08-7: Rosemark Realty, LLC - Block 93, Lot 6.03, - Final Site Plan - Phase 1 to Renovate and Expand the Existing Barn

Motion: A motion was made by Ms. Cocula and was seconded by Mr. Auberger to approve a resolution for LU#11-08-7.

Motion passed.

PB# 2-91-4: Mountain Creek Resort, Inc - 2017 Master Plan Update

Motion: A motion was made by Ms. Cocula and was seconded by Mr. Whitaker to approve a resolution for LU#2-91-4.

Motion passed.

Land Use Board Discussion Items (action may or may not be taken)

There were no items discussed by the board.


June 14, 2017: Regular Meeting Minutes (Auberger, Theobald, Tadrick, Rolando, Paladini, Whitaker, Nieves)

Motion: A motion was made to approve the above minutes by Mr. Auberger and seconded by Mr. Whitaker.

Motion passed.

Appendix A: Escrows, Board Fees, Bond Reductions and Escrow Closures

  1. Board Fees
    1. Board Attorney: Glenn Kienz, Weiner Lesniak LLP
      1. Land Use Board Business: Services through 5/26/17 ($400.00)
      2. Kirk Stephens: PB# 8-07-9 - Services through 5/11/17 ($429.00)
      3. NWAC: LU# 11-16-12 - Services through 5/31/17 ($164.00)
      4. Fred Decker & Son: LU# 4-17-2 - Services through 5/11/17 (560.00)
      5. MNA/Taco Bell: LU# 6-15-5 - Services through 5/24/17 ($656.00)
      6. Rosemark Realty: PB# 11-08-7 - Services through 5/31/17 ($45.00)
    2. Board Planner: Jessica Caldwell, J. Caldwell & Associates
      1. Land Use Board Business: Services through 6/14/17 ($238.00)
      2. Rosemark Realty: PB# 11-08-7 - Services through 5/3/17 ($187.50)
    3. Board Engineer: Cory Stoner, Harold E. Pellow & Associates
      1. Land Use Board Business: Services through 5/10/17 ($187.50)
      2. NWAC: LU# 11-16-12 - Services through 5/10/17 ($125.00)
      3. MNA/Taco Bell: LU# 6-15-5 - Services through 5/25/17 ($581.95)
      4. Rosemark Realty: PB# 11-08-7 - Services through 5/3/17 ($187.50)
      5. Fred Decker & Son: LU# 4-17-2 - Services through 5/5/17 ($397.00)
      6. Kirk Stephens: PB# 8-07-9 - Services through 5/5/17 ($348.85)
    4. Board Recording Secretary: Irene Mills ($60.00)

Motion: A motion was made to approve the fees listed above by Ms. Paladini and was seconded by Mr. Whitaker. All members were in favor. Motion passed.


Seeing no more board business, a motion was made by Ms. Cocula to adjourn the meeting and was seconded by Mr. Auberger. All members were in favor.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted
Irene Mills
Recording Secretary